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Here are some links that I have used as references for my comic book if you are interested as well as some other comics that I have been eagerly reading. If you want me to read your comic, please email me at By the way, more comics will be placed up here until I have read some of them. Going through them is really hard with a 56k modem.

My Webpage(s)

I have modeled this site after my webpage, and this is my webpage that contains a whole lot of information of some rare anime and videogames, as well as some miscellaneous stuff that I'm partly interested in. Since my Keenspace forum is down right now, you can use the message board there if you would like.

Favorite Comics:

  - Adventurers
I finally read all the comics up-to-date and there is a lot of them. It's basically an RPG parody. I still haven't read RPG World yet, but I'll try it someday. I like this comic a lot.

  - Deadly
This is my friend that I know through a chatroom and we have gotten to be great friends through the art of drawing. Currently, he is busy in school working for a bachelor's degree, and he's given me the privelage of taking care of his site until he is capable on working on it again.

  - Riboflavin
This comic is about the hero "Riboflavin" which apparently kind of looks like as if it was drawn by a two-year old, but that's alright, it's still good anyway. [Warning: Contains nudity and obsenity.]

  - Stubble
This comic is about a guy named Clint who at first thinks he is a total loser, but as he moves on through life, his life dramatically changes as different situations ensue.[Warning: Contains obsenity.]

Anime Conventions:

  - Anipike
I know that these conventions list below are on the east coast, but you can find the other conventions on this popular webpage for anime loving people just like me.

  - Katsucon Anime Convention
Katsucon is probably the second largest anime convention in the east coast. Want to satisfy your needs and meet the owner of this comic book, you can probably visit me here. I probably won't be at the artist alley because I am not pretty good at drawing yet.

  - Otakon Anime Convention
I am safe to say that Otakon is the largest anime convention on the east coast only with Katsucon slowly following behind it. Want to satisfy your needs and meet the owner of this comic book, you can probably visit me here. I probably won't be at the artist alley because I am not pretty good at drawing yet.


  - How to Draw Manga
As you noticed, my drawing style is anime/manga like, and I practice sometimes or look up hints using these types of books. Currently, I own two of them "Techniques for Battles" as well as "Pretty Girls", and they both certainly helped a lot of times with my work.

  - Japanese <-> English Dictionary
Well, isn't this cute. An online dictionary that will translate some Japanese or English works into the other language and it shows their kanji as images! It's a useful site, but don't make sentences with these things UNLESS you know what you are doing. Japanese grammar is very complicated. By the way, I do not know the Japanese language very well, so don't email me in translating stuff.

  - Keenspace Comic Server
Gee, where did I get all this freespace for my comics to be posted? Probably clicking on the link above would surely help, and yes they are free. And if your comic is popular, they will pay you, but I will have to find out if that is true or not.

  - Peter's Evil Overlord List
An intelligent bad guy is what is needed in this comic book, and what's a way beef up a bad guy is by letting him follow this simple page containing 100 rules. It will now be harder for the good guys/girls to defeat him/her.

  - Utrecht Online Art Store
Utrecht is an art store near my house that I usually buy some art supplies from. Currently, I do not know how people make comics and publish them by the use of publishers, but I am not at the point where I can do that yet. I have to wait for my art to improve, and it sure does improve when I have the right drawing equipment.

By: Ray (Sharkyland)

Vamedio (aka Michelle Saga) is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.