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Even up to this day, I'm still curious why I put this page up. This is a page
announcing all the utensils that I use for drawing my comic book. Of course, I
probably don't have to say something like I use a five subject Mead notebook
wide-ruled edition or something like that, but I use more complicated tools
- Paper
Okay, I do use a five subject notebook wide-ruled edition because the lines
on the page are kinda faded than that of a college or university type ruled paper.
I wish someone would invent a type of notebook paper that is graph-like but the
lines aren't recognized by the scanner or copier machine like those copy pencils.
I am only using lined paper because a) I'm lazy to draw boxes on blank pieces of
computer paper which would've been my alternate piece of drawing paper and b)
this comic book is a rough draft!
- Mechanical Pencils
(.03) Mostly used when I want to do fine details for the background or when
the character is small, and it's difficult to draw them using a (.04) I still
haven't found a mechanical pencil for this, though I have lead for it (.05)
Mostly what I use for drawing (.07) mostly used to bold or darken the line that
I made with .05 (.09) Mostly used for making the wording of the quotations
- Pens
I currently use the set of six Micron Sakura Pens which include .005, .01,
.02, .03, .05, and .08mm. They are mostly sold cheaply in the set rather than
buying them individually. There is only one reason that I don't ink my stuff
and that is because it's only a rough draft. There will come a time where I will
drift away from the lined paper.
- Markers
I use two types of markers both of them are pentel pen permanent markers.
One of them is with a fine point, sometimes I use this instead of the Sakura
Micron Pen .08mm to make the borders of the boxes on the comic book, and the
other is a large (not the large package type markers) for big work
expressions like "BOOM!"
- Erasers
I have three types of erasers. One is your standard clic-a-eraser, those
annoying things that teachers hate when you make noises in their classroom.
Second is the smaller clic-a-eraser made by Stanford Japan which is probably
1.5 smaller than the standard one. Finally, the third eraser is the shape
shifting eraser, yeah those gray things that you can mold into any shape
and play with when the art teacher gets boring.
- Exacto Knife
If I made a mistake with a pen or marker, the only way I can get rid of
it is by a knife by scratching it off. White out doesn't partically do the
job and traditionally it has been caused to make accidents, but scanners and
copiers sometimes pick it up and sometimes the paper will not appear flat due
to the rise of elevation of the white out. Luckily, I haven't had to use it
- Large Acryllic Brush
Do those damn eraser debris get in your way? Or are your afraid that
blowing on your artwork will cause spittle to fall upon the paper only to
ruin it? Why not try a brush and brush them away. Be warned, if you used
too much lead in one area it will streak with the brush hairs, but I think
it would be safer to dab at it for a while then sweep away with your heart's
- Rulers
I have two rules: one is standard, clear, see through, thrift store,
type brand rulers, and the other one is a T-ruler or whatever it is called,
but I haven't used it much because the spiral that I'm using is elevated
from the desk that I'm drawing from.
- Pencil Board (Shitajiki)
When using the pentel permanent marker, you want to make sure that
you don't let the marker seep into the next page or desk or chaos will
erupt. Shitajiki what they call them in Japan, and mostly anime
collectors will collect them because it reminds them of their favorite
shows, and it also prevents indentations from the previous page.
- Stencils
I only have an circle stencil and a ellispe stencil for drawing
those perfect shapes which you can't draw free handed or are peeved of
at the computer because of these complicated things that they put you
- Protractor
Another fine element that I have added to this list. Something to
help me draw large circles that can't be made by the circle stencil. It's
fun, but it kinda reminds me of that one story about a schoolmate got stabbed
in the cheek by one of these things. Good memories, no?
By: Ray (Sharkyland)